
Braidco’s mission is to advance knowledge and wellbeing for All and profits for Providers.

Braidco's fundamental approach to its mission is to braid Consumers and Providers together on balanced terms for mutual benefit.

Braidco’s Prime Principle is respect. Every additional principle and value we need flows naturally from respect. For example, respect naturally invokes thoughtfulness, critical thinking, empathy, and intent to foster wellbeing for oneself and for others. From here we have the best possible chance to make the best possible decisions across all stakeholders.

Braidco’s space is Digital Humanity Engineering Ecosystems (Dighecs – pronounced ‘di-jek). Braidco’s paradigm for dighecs is called Braidway. Learn more about dighecs and Braidway in Braidco’s seminal paper “Braidway versus Exploitway.



Andrew Van Winkle is the Founder of Braidco.

Braidco arises from two passion pursuits that have dominated Mr. Van Winkle’s life since childhood: freedom and growth.

Prior to focusing full-time on Braidco, Mr. Van Winkle enjoyed 20+ years in sales and sales leadership roles with Salesforce, IBM, Lotus Software, and other technology firms.


Braidco’s Planned Phases

  • Phase 1: (March 2024 – TBD)
    • Validate Braidway for adoption with Consumers and Providers.  This will be pursued primarily via publications and consulting to build a community of collaborators, advocates, and pre-launch customers.
    • Build Braidco’s core leadership team with CTO, CPO, and CMO.  See Careers below.
    • Build the business plan to execute Phase 2.
  • Phase 2:
    Raise funds and deliver products to make Braidway an operational paradigm. Braidco's core product will be a knowledge and influence platform (KIP) named Braidway Prime.  Learn about KIPs, Braidway Prime, and other planned products in our seminal paper “Braidway versus Exploitway.



Braidco is seeking leaders for the following roles:

  • Product.
    • CTO
    • CPO
    • Attorney for "Braidway Unified Terms and Conditions" addressing data and touches (aka, influence).
  • Marketing, Communications, and Communities.
    • Director

Requirements and Responsibilities: You can best understand who and what is needed for these roles by reading our seminal paper "Braidway versus Exploitway."  You can request your copy of the paper here.

Please use the Contact Form to connect with us about these roles or to propose an additional role you might play.



Braidco entity:
Braidco is a DBA of Mipac, LLC.  Mipac is derived from the names of Mr. Van Winkle's family - Michelle (mom), Payton (son), Andrew (dad), Carson (son).  Within the family, Mipac has two meanings: "Michelle's pack"; and "my pack".

Braidco Trademarks on this site include
- Braidco™
- Braidway™
- Braidway Prime™


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